Friday, July 25, 2014

Tips to Staying Healthy During the Summer!

1. Keep up or begin an exercise program. 

Aerobic activity is important for keeping the heart strong and healthy. If you only work out in a health club, take some time to do outdoor refreshing activities -- hiking, biking, swimming, or tennis. Reconnecting with these activities will help keep your body and mind aligned. 

2. Enjoy Nature's bounty.

Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables at their organic best. Consuming foods that are cooling and light -- fresh fruits, vegetable juices, raw vital salads, and lots of water -- will nourish your body for summertime activities. Include some protein with one or two meals. There are a number of light, nourishing proteins that don't require cooking. Most of these complement fruits and vegetables nicely-- nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, soy products, yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese. Fish and poultry can also be eaten.  

3. Above all, give yourself the time to truly experience Nature.

This can happen, even in a city park, if you relax and let in your surroundings. When traveling, take activities for the family and your first aid kit for bites, bee stings, and injuries. Check for ticks after your hikes. Watch for overexposure, take time in the shade, and drink your water.  

Follow the link to see other great ways to keep a healthy mind and body throughout the summer:

Courtesy of : and Staying Healthy Tips by Elson M. Haas MD.